ComFor-2 manual
ComFor-2 manual
ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual
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ComFor-2 Forerunners in communication (English)

door Roger Verpoorten, Ilse Noens, Ina van Berckelaer-Onnes, Jarymke Maljaars

ComFor-2 manual
productnummer: 5703302
€ 85,00
Exclusief BTW
25 ComFor scoring forms
productnummer: 5703303
€ 55,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Dutch word cards for test kit
productnummer: 5703306
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 English word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703307
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Italian word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703309
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Spanish word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703310
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Swedish word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703311
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Danish word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703312
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 Norwegian word cards for testkit
productnummer: 5703313
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 testkit (without word cards)
productnummer: 405703304
€ 620,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 French word cards for testkit
productnummer: 405703308
€ 30,00
Exclusief BTW
ComFor-2 manual
ComFor-2 manual
ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual
  • ComFor-2 manual

Doel en doelgroep

The ComFor-2 can be used to test which kind of interventions are suitable to improve communication for people with autism. It addresses two core questions: First, what is the most suitable form of augmented communication; And second, at which level can the means chosen be offered. The Comfor-2 is suitable for children and adults with a (psychomotor) developmental level of 12 to 60 months.

Andere talen

The ComFor-2 manual is available in Dutch, English, French, Swedish, German and Italian. The word cards are available in Dutch, English, French, Swedish, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian and Danish.


The ComFor-2 is a revised version of the broadly used ComFor. The test design and application are unchanged, but the test materials have been thoroughly reviewed and modernized. The new test kit can be used in combination with previously published manual and forms.

Description: The test consists of a range of sorting tasks. Clients are required to sort objects, photographs, pictures and words according to both their literally perceptible features ("presentation"), and their meaning ("representation").
The score on these tasks gives a clear indication of the level on which augmented communication should be offered. For example, does a picture of a cup only mean "cup", or can it be used to indicate an activity: "drinking".

The ComFor-2 is primarily developed for people with autism spectrum disorder, with little or no verbal communication.

Afname, scoring en rapportage

Administration: During testing, the researcher is alone in the room with the client. Testing lasts approximately 45 minutes. Normally, the entire test is administered in one session. Breaks, or two-session testing can be done depending of the needs of the client.

Qualification level: level B


Norms: There are no norms for the ComFor-2, since it is developed to obtain an indication of suitable communicative interventions. The instrument is not meant for diagnosis. The manual contains extensive information on the interpretation and applications of the instrument.

A group of 623 children and adults have been tested with the ComFor. The series and levels of the ComFor and ComFor-2 showed good to very good internal consistencies, very good inter-rater reliability, and acceptable test-retest reliability.
More research with the ComFor has been published in a number of international journals. A small selection of recent and interesting articles:

  • Maljaars, J., Noens, I., Scholte, E., Verpoorten, R., van Berckelaer-Onnes, I. (2011). Visual local and global processing in low functioning deaf individuals with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 95-105.
  • Noens, I., & Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I. (2008). The central coherence account on autism revisited: Evidence from the ComFor study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2, 209-222.
  • Noens, I., & Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I. (2004). Making sense in a fragmentary world. Communication in people with autism and learning disability. Autism, 8, 197-218.
  • Noens, I., Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I., Verpoorten, R., & Van Duijn, G. (2006). The ComFor: An instrument for the indication of augmentative communication. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50, 621-632.

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Ref-ID:5703302   P-ID:52758

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